Cannes Lions


LOWE BRINDFORS, Stockholm / SEB BANK / 2006

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A handful of people turn to someone in their surroundings to ask him or her for a small loan. An office worker turns to his colleague to use his stapler. The colleague promptly moves the stapler away. A young woman needs to borrow sugar from her neighbour. A man asks a passenger next to him if he can use his paper. A carpenter wants his colleague to hand him some ketchup. All the characters are denied a helping hand.


In Sweden all cars become dirty during the winter, due to the dirt, salt and pollutions that mixes with the snow. We used the same type of dirt-effect on billboards as well as on the snowmen. Thus demonstrating a familiar problem in a new context, and at the same time presenting an offer that can help ease this problem.


The campaign gained significant media publicity in terms of exposure, easily matching the media spend.Total budget: 2 million SEK. Total sales increase: 16,5 million SEK, a ROI factor of 8. SEB's car loan sales increased 5 times more than the total Swedish car market – 14% compared to 3%.

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