Cannes Lions

Find a Bacon Clubhouse in a Bacon Clubhouse and win a Bacon Clubhouse

DDB OSLO, Oslo / MCDONALD'S / 2016

Presentation Image
Demo Film
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We developed a promotional game where you had to find the coupon inside the burger, and of course, along the way, you’d learn about the local produce, the special bread, the Batavia salad, sun-ripened tomatoes, smoked bacon, and last but not least, the secret sauce.


To split a burger into 15.000 particles is hard. Especially when you need to code every single particle. 3D was out of the question because it would have been too heavy duty on wireless networks. We developed completely unique methods to be able to run this game online to multiple consumers and as far as we know it's never been done before at this scale. It ultimately led to a massive engagement and hundreds of thousands of burgerhappy people took to their smartphones and computers in the search for free burgers inside the burger galaxy.


Bounce rate:


Average time spent in game:

15 minutes

Most of the digital coupons were found during the campaign period, and even more important: A very cost effective promotional campaign generated sales far above our expectations. In fact, the campaign did 49% better than the average of all the other premium campaigns in 2015 combined.

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