Cannes Lions

Fist on the table

BUNGALOW25, Madrid / NETFLIX / 2016

Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film






We wanted to introduce ourselves in the most natural way possible into the buzz of that day, making Frank Underwood the main candidate of the debate.


Through the official account of House of Cards, Frank Underwood was able to sustain a conversation with the leaders of each political party, introducing himself in a natural way.

The action began through a generic Tweet that was integrated to the conversation of the debate. In that Tweet the four political leaders were mentioned. Afterwards, Underwood wrote to each one of them including the headline of the first tweet.


- We capitalised the conversation generated in social media around the debate, making Frank Underwood the main protagonist of an unexpected invitation that the whole world was claiming.

- We took the conversation from online to offline. Becoming one of the most commented news of the day after the debate, making Frank the unquestionable winner of the night.

- The action increased a 526% of impressions in the channel.

- Millions of impacts from our tweets.

- The action had an echo through hundreds of national and international media.

- And because it was a massive success, the action was replicated in other markets like Argentina, UK and United States.

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