Cannes Lions

Glass Onion - Puzzle Boxes

MEDIA.MONKS, Sao Paulo / NETFLIX / 2023

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Demo Film
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Netflix’s new film Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery is a whodunit that kicks off with an enigmatic puzzle box. To celebrate the film's release, we conceived and crafted over 600 puzzle boxes, inspired by the ones from the movie. Ranging from large and complex to smaller self-assembly, the boxes were produced and shipped across the US and Europe to influencers, press and fans.


Netflix wanted a unique marketing stunt that could catch consumers' interest and set high expectations for the upcoming film, Glass Onion: A Knives Mystery. All pre-launch marketing materials needed to feature Easter Eggs for the film, but no spoilers. With the goal to reach the Gen Z audience, Netflix targeted mega influencers and also posted the entire puzzle journey on owned social channels.


Filled to the brim with puzzles including morse code, locks, a maze and even astronomical and periodic riddles. The bespoke boxes were created in three different tiers, using the following materials:

Tier 1: Plywood, 3D Printing and acrylic. A box inspired by the one in the movie with more than 5 puzzles inside. The movie's cast, the director and macro influencers got to unlock the surprises in these boxes.

Tier 2: MDF sheet and cardboard packaging. A simpler version with only one puzzle and the famous Glass Onion that was handed to influencers.

Tier 3: Wood and 3D Printing. A DIY version, that you can build and play with gifted as invitations or giveaways to Netflix audience.


Our team of engineers, makers and creatives crafted for three months to develop the activation in our very own workshop. The intricate challenges were solved during livestreams by influencers, press, fans, and the cast, and watched by over 310 million people. The activation helped catapult Glass Onion to one of the most watched films on Netflix.

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