Cannes Lions

Foo Fighters Online Mixtape Generator


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Our idea was to create an interactive site that contains personal gems from the band and lets fans create their very own personalized Spotify playlist built through our own playlist algorithm.

We designed an interactive website specifically reminiscent of a '90s bedroom. Fans could interact in a number of different ways and their choices helped us create a playlist that made sense for them.

The website contains a number of surprises that keep people coming back: The guitar plays a famous Foo Fighters' riff, the globe spins, and the television plays a Foo Fighters music video.

Each fan's playlist was built from answers to creative questions. For example, if a fan picked the "lazy vibe" polaroid and the poster from the 90s, they’d get a slow playlist with the band’s earlier songs. Fans can truly make the playlist their own by naming it and saving it to their Spotify collection.


The idea was conceptualized in late 2016 when Foo Fighters' album release was announced internally. In January 2017, we brought to life the idea of an online '90s-bedroom-themed playlist generator.

Over the next few months, wireframes were developed, copy was approved, and the beta website was brought to the band for approval. On May 12, 2017, the fully functional website was published worldwide. On September 15, 2017, 'Concrete and Gold' was released.

One day before the release of the first single, "Run," a teaser was ingested on Spotify as a dummy track and was inserted to the top of all users' mixtapes to create organic chatter and excitement.

As new tracks were releasing they were being added to all user playlists as well.

Although the generator began on Foo Fighters' official website, it still lives today at The campaign was optimized for both mobile and desktop.


People visited the site from 59 countries, sharing tens of thousands of unique playlists. The Foo Fighters' Spotify presence increased by four million streams and two million of those streams were between the ages of 25-34, showing we achieved our goal of reaching a new demographic.

The band promoted the mixtape generator across all of their socials to a combined reach of 18M fans. Since the campaign was worldwide, Sony Music's international affiliates expanded the reach to a combined following of thirty million fans.

While the playlist generator was covered throughout multiple press outlets, the most notable conversation happened around fans. Fans shared their playlists, compared songs, reminisced over Foo Fighters' past hits, and shared their excitement of what's to come.

We learned a lot about Foo Fighters fans in the process, capturing e-mail addresses, locations, and more.

Our mixtape generator paved the way for future campaigns.

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