Cannes Lions

Free to Be

MCGARRYBOWEN, New York / JEEP / 2017

Case Film
Case Film
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We developed a campaign highlighting the importance of respecting one another regardless of differing beliefs (or Jeep preference). We used the divisiveness of the 2016 presidential election coverage as our impetus for success and platform for our message of unity. Our creative and strategic approach enabled Jeep to capitalize on a global cultural moment and shine in a sea of conflict.

As the Summit and Trailhawk attract different demographics, we leveraged these two vehicles and their “typical user” to epitomize Jeep’s belief that “What Unites Us Is Stronger Than What Divides Us” and used a split-screen technique to symbolize the duality of Jeep Grand Cherokee. The overlay of Cat Stevens’ “If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out” across the split-screen technique worked in tandem to say proudly that, individually and collectively, the 2017 lineup truly offers consumers the freedom of choice and the “Freedom to Be.”


The anthem spot launched during the pre-election presidential debate. Then, we provided pre-election creative with a more culturally relevant political tone and, finally, provided post-election creative that focused on product features. We bought TV and OLV around each presidential debate and surrounded commercial-free debates with pre-debate and post-debate creative.


We were rated the #1 debate ad amongst brands that created a politically relevant advertisement. Viewers not only bonded emotionally to the message, they also (importantly) clearly tracked the connection to the Jeep brand itself. The ad ranks in the Top Ten (year-to-date) Non-Luxury Automotive ads for overall performance.

From a creative perspective, we created a spot that perfectly combined strategy, a big organizing campaign idea, cultural climate and music to share an integrated and unifying message.

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