Cannes Lions

GE Creator in Residence


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Case Film






We took a deep dive into the science storytelling – how it’s evolved, who’s doing it right, and where is the white space. We discovered the following key insights from the evolution of science storytelling.

· Original Pioneers in Storytelling: Traditional media has tested and proved that there is a knowledge-seeking and science-hungry audience. Television, print and online media has proliferated into niche audiences from animal lovers to sports enthusiasts.

· The Voices of Traditional Media on YouTube: Traditional media outlets are using YouTube as a platform to cross-promote their programming – few are harnessing the power of YouTube and creating content intrinsic to the platform.

· The Most Powerful Voices Fueling YouTube: Informative and entertaining, creators have cracked the code of making edutainment and capturing a broader audience base.


We brought the Creator-In-Residence program to life in the following phases:

· PHASE 1: THE SEARCH FOR OUR FIRST CREATOR-IN-RESIDENCE: We searched to find the best rising science creators and put them under a rigid litmus test.

· PHASE 2: CREATE ORIGINAL PROGRAMMING FOR GE’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL: We produced original formats to program GE’s YouTube channel weekly.

o Fiction Fast Forward: In this series, we captured the brilliant moments from some 2015 blockbuster movies and broke down the real science behind the storytelling.

o Fiction FastForward Startalk Interviews: Our creator-in-residence teamed up with world reknowned science gurus, Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson, to take a deeper dive and discuss the science behind select movies featured in the Fiction Fast Forward series.

o Breaking Science: A pop culture science series highlighting the best of science and tech from around the globe.


Per Agency Research, The Creator-in-Residence custom video content was a huge hit with consumers, to date generating more than 1 million minutes watched, with over 3,300 engagements across the series.

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