Cannes Lions

Gotta Be Bonds

PHOTOPLAY, Sydney / BONDS / 2018







The aim of this campaign was to create a cinematic fashion film which looks hot and sweltering, authentically Australian, with its iconic dry desert locations, props and humour giving rise to nostalgia and memories of Australian summers, growing up,the connections of families and communities and the recognisable Bonds brand brining it all together.The film features cool, rebellious characters, with diversity and attitude in a town that has adapted to its extreme climate conditions.This campaign was filmed in a remote desert location in Australia, featuring real locals and a cast mixed of quirky individuals portraying life in a fictional town 'Cold Springs' where the youth population have created an edgy sub-culture of beautiful people who wear the latest Bonds Originals underwear in the sizzling summer.The mix of iconic outback images and sensibilities of Australian humour gives rise to nostalgia and memories of Australian summers to bring this Bonds campaign to life.

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