

&CO, Copenhagen / BIANCO / 2018







Bianco is a Danish fashion brand known for their provocative campaigns and willingness to take on tough subjects, which is not commonly seen in the fashion industry.

The brief was to make Bianco part of a contemporary discussion once again.


Fashion brands talk about what is trending all the time. When you ask someone in the fashion industry, what is trending, you get a superficial answer about colours or the length of jackets.

We decided to take the question seriously as a fashion brand. What is trending?

We had Google analysts look at the debate online, and everything is hated by someone. Hate is trending. The world is fragmenting. There is a global discourse of divisiveness, and very few seem to want to listen to the arguments of the other side. Instead we reaffirm our own believes in echo-chambers. Either we love something, or we hate it, and the latter is dominant.

This film begins, when Bianco asks an A.I. “What is the biggest trend of 2018?”.


Bianco campaigns are usually a current debate subject – in this instance hate on the internet – put in a fashion context.

As a fashion brand, we play on the word “Trend” and gets on the biggest and most current trend of them all: Hate.

Hate is so 2018, so we mirror the hate of the internet. In short, the strategy is to show, not tell. The aim is to spur an organic conversation.


We showed how it is, instead of telling how it should be.

At the same time, we played on the dystopian fear of an all-knowing A.I. and used imagery that was meant to provoke people into joining the discussion.

Millions saw the film, and people everywhere gave their own (obvious) answer to this dystopian outlook: Less hate and more love.

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