Cannes Lions


BBDO NEW YORK, New York / HBO / 2012

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HBO needed to boost its iTunes sales, especially among holiday travellers on the go.Whether by car or by plane, by boat or by train, travelling always involves lots of sitting and waiting.With in-flight entertainment being a little boring, and WiFi access being a little inconsistent, we saw an opportunity to reach mobile consumers before they travel.We sought to make downloading HBO on iTunes to your mobile device part of the packing ritual.Introducing 'Pack Your HBO', a mobile website that converts travel time into HBO time.It’s an entertainment trip calculator that rethinks your travel time not in hours and minutes, but in HBO episodes and hit shows.Travellers were led to the app via iAds and banners on mobile travel sites like, as well as on boarding passes and eTickets.The app was elegant and easy: Just set your travel duration, and 'Pack Your HBO' instantly creates a personalised iTunes playlist that will fill that exact amount of time.

Users can filter by genre or show, share their shows packed on Facebook, and access iTunes directly through the app, on the devices they travel with.'Pack Your HBO' didn’t just help to sell iTunes episodes for HBO: It got people to think of HBO on iTunes as a solution to travel boredom.And because it was for HBO subscribers and non-subscribers alike, it made HBO shows accessible to throngs of new mobile users.HBO acquired 341,000 new iTunes customers in 2011, and 2011 holiday iTunes sales jumped 49% over the previous year.'Pack Your HBO' even generated new revenue for long-cancelled shows like The Wire, which saw a 63% jump in iTunes sales over the 2011 holiday.It’s a new way to look at media sales: as a time-filler. A way to change the way we dread travel time, just by changing the way we look at it.


Introducing Pack Your HBO, a mobile website that converts travel time into HBO time.It’s an entertainment trip calculator that rethinks your travel time not in hours and minutes, but in HBO episodes and hit shows.Travellers were led to the app via iAds and banners on mobile travel sites like, as well as on boarding passes and eTickets.The app was elegant and easy. Just set your travel duration, and Pack Your HBO instantly creates a personalised iTunes playlist that will fill that exact amount of time.

Users can filter by genre or show, share their Shows Packed on Facebook, and access iTunes directly through the devices they travel with.


'Pack Your HBO' was a holiday hit. HBO acquired 341K new iTunes customers in 2011, and 2011 holiday iTunes sales jumped 49% over the previous year.'Pack Your HBO' even generated new revenue for long-cancelled shows like The Wire, which saw a 63% jump in iTunes sales over the 2011 holiday.And because it was for HBO subscribers and non-subscribers alike, it made HBO shows accessible to throngs of new people.

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