Cannes Lions


PHD, London / SAINSBURY'S / 2013

Presentation Image






We created 30 x 3-minute films about 10 of the UK's most promising Paralympians and ran them

for in the run up to the Games in an exclusive content deal with the official UK broadcaster of the

Paralympics, Channel 4.

The films introduced audiences to the training regimes, families and hopes & dreams of athletes

from a range of sports and were scheduled as stand-alone programmes in peak-time slots on

Channel 4.

In addition to the films, we conceived and created an online blind football game on Channel 4's

official Paralympic website, which almost literally put players in the shoes of the Paralympic

Footballers, replicating their experience by challenging players to pass, tackle and score goals

through use of their hearing alone.

Together they delivered two very different insights into Paralympian experiences which worked

together to emotionally engage AND educate the UK.


- 7.2million adults in the UK who saw the videos agreed Sainsbury’s is helping the nation to change the way they think about disability. (This is 14% of the entire UK adult population)

- Sainsbury’s outperformed all of its competitors for the first time by increasing by 5% on points for Consumer empathy compared to before the games.

- Sainsbury’s ‘Brand awareness’ and ‘Consideration’ also hit highest ever levels, reducing the gap between Sainsbury’s and market-leader Tesco to its smallest margin in two years.

- And due to the success of bringing Paralympians to life, Sainsbury’s moved to No.1 ‘helpful-supermarket.’

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