Cannes Lions

Holding it Down

VML, Kansas City / WENDY'S / 2018


1 Gold Cannes Lions
1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Supporting Content
MP3 Original Language
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The tracks on this audio execution bring the Wendy's social voice to life and provide a venue for Wendy's to take recent Twitter interactions and rap battles to the hip-hop space. Wendy's felt hip-hop was the best genre to express their voice - it's only natural for fresh beef to translate seamlessly into the world of rap beef. By turning the @Wendys Twitter handle into a recording artist, Wendy's was newly relevant to our customers and followers through infectious beats and witty lyrical ties to many of the brand's core equities.


The key to success for Wendy’s was staying authentic to the hip-hop artist journey by first launching the music for free on streaming profiles and simply asking people to listen. We never positioned the music as a piece of branded content; we told our followers the album had launched, and they did the rest. The only reason radio stations played the music is because customers requested it and station managers felt the beats and lyrics were on par with established hip-hop artists.

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