Cannes Lions


SRA. RUSHMORE, Madrid / RED CROSS / 2018


2 Gold Cannes Lions
Case Film
Presentation Image
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The idea is very clear: each time there is an attack on a hospital, it is not only ending the lives of hundreds of doctors and hospital personnel; it is also ending the lives off all of the people who live in the area who cannot be attended to.

From this premise we created the story of Raya, a young girl whose been wounded in an attack and is rushed to a hospital by her father in his car. Along the way, her father is hopeful; he knows that if he can get his daughter to the hospital, he can save her. So he tries to keep her encouraged and calm along the way. But his hope is completely destroyed when he arrives at the hospital and realizes that the building has been bombed. That’s when he realizes that without doctors, he has no possibility of saving his daughter’s life.


We created a short film 1’45” in length, with a budget of 80K. It was launched on April 30, 2018. In order to give the piece the maximum amount of realism and credibility, all of the scenes were filmed on the border between Syria and Lebanon, with local actors, over the course of two days.

The film was translated into more than 10 languages and distributed via YouTube by more than 90 delegations of the Red Cross around the world. Moreover, it was shared via all of the International Committee of the Red Cross’ digital platforms in order to makes sure the film was seen all over the world.


In the first 48 hours, the film was shared more than 6 thousand times with a level of interaction on social media of over 4 thousand hits. Moreover, it was selected to participate in the sixth annual La Muestra de Corto Social, a national film festival aimed at promoting social awareness regarding various causes and organizations in which people can get involved as volunteers. A challenge that uses film as a tool to drive commitment and raise awareness about volunteer work.

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