Cannes Lions



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I DEFY became a social led, integrated campaign that elevates young people’s voices and let’s them know that Planned Parenthood is fighting for the very same things they are. And to make sure the organization would be heard by America’s youth, we went to where young people do their talking: online.

The campaign amplifies the voices of the diverse young Americans who are fighting against attacks on their bodies, their rights and all of the other racist, sexist, homophobic crap that stands in their way. And gives them a way to come together and speak up. Because their lives literally depend on it. During a fearful and demoralizing time, I DEFY showed young people that we are stronger when we defy together.


We brought I DEFY to life with:

- A 2-hour live Facebook event that took place on the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. #IDEFY Live paired people online with artists on site to transform hateful words and phrases into a beautiful art experience. We then destroyed the art to celebrate the fact that we can work together to take down hate.

- Social videos featuring YouTubers that bring their perspectives on abortion stigma, biphobia, whitewashing and other topics to our audience.

- A website that houses ways for people to defy through real world action

- A unifying gesture: people wrote DEFY across their fists in order to show their support on social media


- Over 160K new followers for Planned Parenthood since launch

- Over 70k shared their defiance with #IDEFY

- Over 14 Million engaged with our campaign

- 110 Million Impressions

- And 1 in 10 people from SMS acquisition opted in to become Planned Parenthood Defenders. These young people went from passive audience members to becoming engaged in the organization’s most intensive Activist program.

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