Cannes Lions

IKEA Smart Storage Solutions


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IKEA Smart Storage Solutions are built keep a mess from happening. It’s where you hide all the things you don’t want others to see. Based on this insight, we found a visually playful way to show our target how, at home and in life, some things are best kept hidden if you don’t want to get caught up in a mess. So, we created everyday sentences, in which, one word kept hidden inside an IKEA storage unit can cause mayhem if left out in the open. Those words are the little things we omit every day in order live our lives in peace and perfect harmony. And it’s in those little things we hide, we found the perfect consumers’ emotional insights that connect best to IKEA’s storage functionality.


IKEA’s Smart Storage Solutions deserved an execution as clever and cost-efficient as they are. So, we created a campaign deeply connected with consumers’ insights that establishes a direct correlation between the things we need to keep hidden from others at home and in life. A campaign made of print ads and OOH; online banners that strategically linked the ads’ functionality to their media placement; and special in-store displays that materialize the little thoughts we keep to ourselves, by using words as objects that need to be stored out of sight in various IKEA storage units to prevent a mess from happening. With the help of IKEA Smart Storage Solutions, a single word hidden away from a sentence is enough to ensure some well-deserved peace and harmony at all of our target’s homes nationwide.


When it comes to results there’s nothing to hide anything. Storage sales grew way beyond expectations, 14% year-on-year; smart storage search on IKEA’s website rose 73%; conversion increased by 32,4%. Footfall at IKEA’s stores increased in 61,5%. The fun contents of the IKEA Smart Storage campaign also made it the most shared campaign in IKEA’s history in Saudi Arabia, taking twitter by storm and becoming the first ever brand effort to reach the #1 spot on the trending topics.

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