Cannes Lions


CP+B, Gothenburg / UBISOFT / 2013

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Case Film
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Far Cry 3 is a video game set on an island of insanity, where you will lose your mind. So to promote the game, we gave people a glimpse of their own inner madness. The ‘Far Cry 3 Insanity Mirror’ lets anyone meet, and have conversations with their insane alter ego.

To do this, you are asked to repeat an activation sentence in front of the 'Insanity Mirror'. The app then records a video of you saying the sentence, and analyzes your voice. By doing this, it can extract the clips that contain the key mouth positions required to pronounce all the phonemes in the vocabulary. It then rearranges these clips of your mouth movements to sync them to pre-recorded psychotic dialogue. So magically, it looks like you're talking crazy. The final result is your own crazy avatar. It's you, but insane.

We then really bring your avatar to life using voice recognition. So you can actually have conversations with your crazy self. More than 350 scripted responses were pre-recorded by an actor based on a complex dialogue tree. This ensures that your avatar always responds to what you say in a relevant way, and makes conversations different each time you talk to it. It even reacts to you when you ignore it, and when you return to it.

And if you're brave enough, you can let it loose on Facebook and Twitter - with dialogue written specifically for sharing. Just use the 'Insanity Level' selector to determine how tame or twisted you'd like your message to be.

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