Cannes Lions


KETCHUM PLEON, Dusseldorf / SIEMENS / 2009

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The challenge was to re-connect employees with revitalized core values of Siemens.Siemens wanted to create awareness for re-formulated values, enhance dialogue about values, and engage managers and employees with these values.The strategy was to implement a multi-dimensional, integrated engagement approach for managers and employees. We begun with CEO Peter Loescher and six hundred top managers reinforcing the company’s core values in an interactive values workshop. Managers then cascaded the information using interactive workshop formats as well to share the values with their staff. Later, the values card featuring Siemens employees werre globally distributed to almost 430,000 recipients in the employee publication “Siemens World”, along with a front page interview with the CEO. A dedicated intranet section on values was established as a central information hub for managers and employees. Further engagement activities, such as a values simulation, helping people to understand the business impact of values and a values film, provided dialogue opportunities and emotional anchors.Employees were touched multiple times via integrated online-offline channels, digital and print media cards issued with employee magazine linked to intranet, click rates to values-sites grew 33 percent year/year, management workshops in over 50 countries, face-to-face meetings, values film shown on corporate TV and at annual shareholders meeting, all raised awareness.


Communication kicked off with Siemens CEO Peter Loescher starting the ignition sequence with 600 top managers to put communication on a credible basis. They reinforced the company’s core values using a 'world café' rotating workshop format. Attendees received a tool kit with supportive materials to share values with staff. Managers cascaded the information using slightly modified interactive workshops to link in with existing meeting formats.A values card went to employees worldwide attached to the front page of the publication 'Siemens World' accompanied by a CEO values story. It features real employees as key visual, explains the values including the Intranet link.Siemens also gathered employees’ comments on the values communications. Feedback was uploaded to the Intranet reinforcing transparency between management and employees.

Later on, 600 managers received an e-book on a memory stick containing employee comments, local values posters and Q&A’s. The e-book included a preview of a simulation online and offline to test the business impact of values on various stakeholders.

A values film was created as an emotional anchor.


All employees were touched multiple times via various integrated online and offline channels, digital and print media – the employee magazine disseminated some 430,000 values cards. Click rates to values intranet sites grew by over 33 percent year on year, management workshops were conducted in more than 50 countries directly targeting top management, all leadership and function levels and Top Talents. Workshops and values materials were integrated into human resources activities. In town hall and lunch meetings management delivered values messages in face-to-face settings. The values film was broadcasted on corporate TV and the annual shareholders meeting of 10,000 participants.All materials were available via the Intranet for downloading or reprinting and sent to communicators around the Siemens world for localization.

A dedicated Intranet section for managers and employees was the central information hub for all content.Participation followed a face-to-face model: online and offline platforms and meeting opportunities fostered dialogue and team activities around the values topic.

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