Cannes Lions








Branded Entertainment is regulated in Turkey.Limitations are quite comprehensive:- Communication: we can only use alcohol branded communication in print & digital media (within the age limits 24+). On radio & outdoor communications, (posters and flyers are included) we can only use the event brand name but can’t use an alcohol brand. Whereas on TV we can’t do any branded communication. From a PR point of view, alcohol brands can’t have TV coverage and in print media, alcohol brands can be mentioned but with limitations. - There are also limitations on events. We can only do events in on-premise locations that have alcohol-selling licences. In public places (streets), we can’t use any alcohol brandings.

As a solution within these limitations, we have created an event, which is close to our brand name and carries the brand essence (Istanbul) in it. The brand name is ‘Istanblue Vodka’ and the event name is ‘Istanbul blue night’. This allowed us to communicate the event on the radio, outdoors and allowed us to conduct outdoor events. Our biggest challenge was linking the event with the brand, and according to our research, we have seen that we have succeeded.


The communication period started a week before the event. Branded 5 Mini Coopers, 3 Segways (no alcohol branding) and the promotional team distributed English and Turkish flyers (no alcohol branding) to the targeted local and tourist audience.

22 billboard ads (no alcohol branding)Flash mob dance was performed a week before the festival (no alcohol branding).

Flyposting of 5,000 posters (no alcohol branding) around the city.

Print media (alcohol branding used; newspaper ads.

12 frequency for a week.11 monthly magazine ads.

Digital (alcohol branding used) ads on 8 websites.

Radio ads (no alcohol branding) for 5.725 seconds.


It was a free entry street festival; therefore, the exact number of admittance could not be captured. 12,000 people attended the street events (based on estimated crowd density analysis).

TNS Turkey’s survey results of the event night on the streets: Unaided sponsor awareness (spontaneous) 88% Aided 96% (no alcohol branding during the street events because of the regulations)37% of the subjects were planning to drink vodka before the event, after it has increased up to 42% (no alcohol brand communication on street events) Mostly consumed brand score was 27%, after the event increased to 72%.On 2011, print media coverage was 6.189.529 and TV coverage was 74 seconds. On 2012, Print media coverage was 7.056.811 and TV coverage was 599 seconds.

In 2011, 22 on-premise points were integrated, reach was ~ 3,500 people. In 2012 at 54 on-premise customers, the reach was ~6.215 people.Sales increase 2011 was 32% and in 2012, it went up to 113%.Digital application (Augmented Reality) was downloaded 631 times and 3,556 fairies were collected. The number of visitors of the website was 8,900 in 2011. It went up to 15,827 in 2012.

With the above data, we see that we have met our targets.

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