Cannes Lions

"It's a Match!" a social activation to register organ donors

23RED, London / NHS / 2016

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Case Film
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We partnered with Tinder to create 6 new profiles that guaranteed a ‘swipe right.’ Made in Chelsea's Jamie Laing, Olympic gold medalist Jade Jones and Emmerdale's Gemma Oaten (all supporters of Organ Donation who appealed to our audience) plus three influential Instagram bloggers with a combined reach of over 100k. When a Tinder user swiped right to "match" one of our profiles they would receive a message stating " if only it were that easy for someone in need of a life-saving organ to find a match" the message held a call to action to register, and a click through directly to the NHS Organ Donation Register. Here the user could either find out more information about organ donation or officially register as an Organ Donor.


On December 14th 2015 six spokesperson profiles went live and were pushed to three million Tinder users in the UK ( not all are active users). The app is global, but this activation was targeted to the UK as NHS blood and transplant covers UK only.

On the morning of the 14th of December we gave an exclusive to the BBC, this meant the activation was featured on Victoria Derbyshire's news spot ( with a live interview with NHS Blood and Transplant's director of organ donation Sally Johnston.) It was also featured on radio 1 and radio 4's morning news bulletin. kicking off the activation with a bang.

The partnership activation remained live for two weeks. Registrations were sustained within those two weeks and coverage of the activation went Global. We hit prime time news in America, Australia and the UK, with coverage reaching as far as Mumbai.


Tinder worked with us on a pro bono basis, as did the celebrities and bloggers (bar one) our media and production costs were zero. This was an extremely cost effective activation for the results achieved...

In two weeks:

Over 1,000 registrations in the first few hours (an average day is in the mid hundreds.)

Almost 5,000 registrations overall (this is almost 10% of all registrations during the campaign period.)

A 93% uplift in registrations versus last year.

The highest registration figures were from 18-35 year olds

The app weblink accounted for 16% of all traffic to the NHS Organ Donation page.

There was an 122% increase in twitter references to NHS Organ Donation

Our activation hit global and cultural news from ‘Have I Got News For You’ to Fox news.

24.6 million organic impressions.

Over 5,000 conversations on social.

Sentiment for the campaign was overwhelmingly positive.

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