Cannes Lions

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TOYOTA USA, Plano / TOYOTA / 2018

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In a small, mountainside town, a young boy prepares an old bicycle and sneaks out on an early morning journey. He struggles up to the top of the hill, then races down as fast as he can. Just when he's going as fast as his little legs can pedal, he's joined by a world-class cycling team out on a training ride. And there, for a few glorious seconds, he's side-by-side with his heroes, as part of the team. His impossible dream has come true.


The cast of this film was crucial to achieve the storytelling, we needed to find a boy that would convey thru his eyes and acting the innocence and enthusiastic passion for a sport at a young age and his dream to one day be part of a professional cycling team. To assure we would find the perfect talent we decided to cast in multiple cities to expand our possibilities, since we would be shooting in Italy we casted in Italy, Madrid, Barcelona and London. After 2 weeks and 3 rounds of casting creatives and director completely aligned on a boy that was found at the casting in Barcelona. When presented to client it was a total agreement that it was the perfect choice.

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