Cannes Lions


SALEM, Sao Paulo / COMUNIQUE-SE / 2008


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Comunique-se is the largest Brazilian portal for journalists, currently bringing together over 70,000 professionals that consult it daily for up-to-date segment information. Driven by the sizable number of journalists visiting its site, Comunique-se developed the most important journalism award in Brazil, now in its 5th edition. This event awards the year’s most outstanding journalists in 42 categories. The campaign goal was to assure the attendance of the finalists at the award-winning gala event. The major challenge was to attract the attention of the target audience and secure its presence, given the busy workload and difficult accessibility of these journalists.


The journalist’s voice is his fundamental work tool. They were asked to use their voice again, but this time to shout for joy at having been chosen by 70,000 journalists as a finalist of the award. To celebrate their nomination, we sent them a tape recorder with the winning message and asked them return it as soon as they recorded their celebration shout, calling Comunique-se for someone to pick it up. They could keep the recorder, a great gift since it's a commonly used work tool for reports and interviews. The message was recorded by an icon of Brazilian journalism.


20% of the journalists surprisingly recorded their shouts. The campaign was very well accepted and commented on by the Brazilian press. However, the most important result was the 97% attendance rate of the journalists at the award-winning ceremony.

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