Cannes Lions



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Case Film






In France, 1 man out of 5 suffers from premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is a true medical condition and represents the primary reason for consulting a sexologist. This condition is associated with a significant psychological burden, causing guilt, frustration and in many cases denial.

In 2013, Menarini is the first laboratory to launch Priligy, a treatment specifically dedicated to this medical condition. While communicating to sexologists is key, communicating directly to patients is even more crucial since 99% of them do not mention their condition to their doctors. According to the situation and age, patients describe differently the distress caused by premature ejaculation. However the feeling of loosing control is common and shared by all. The global strategy relies on this promise: keep control. The heart and soul of the campaign is a website,, which provides information and encourage patients to visit their doctors. Therefore, the objective of the media campaign is to encourage patients to visit the website and ultimately talk to their doctors. This campaign was rolled out as TV commercial, website, web banners, press ad , posters and print material in waiting room and outdoors but also to lay and medical press. Post-test results (opinionway) have shown that today, 71% of men affected by PE recall the campaign and 77% have reacted or intend to do so by talking about it, consulting a doctor and accepting to be treated for it.


Patients represent a heterogeneous target, with different ages and profiles. Therefore, the creative concept was deliberately not to use real people to show the problem. In fact when talking about sensitive topics such as sexual problems, using people often leads to denial or dismissal. The symbolism of matches and the wording allow everyone to hear and accept the message without denying it. Since spring of 2013, the media campaign focuses in spring and fall with space buying for TV, website and city advertising (OOH in Paris).


Post-test results (opinionway):

- 71% of men affected by PE recall the campaign

- 77% have reacted or intend to do so by talking about it, consulting a doctor and accepting to be treated for it

- 43% talked about their problem with their partner and 66% planned to do so

- 44% planned to visit their doctors

- 42% accept to be treated for their PE problem

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