Cannes Lions

Live Music VR


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Case Film
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. The brand wanted to demonstrate its innovative abilities,

the power of 4G mobile networks,

to develop live VR,

to make virtual reality available to everyone while producing innovative VR content

and allowing those customers without VR headsets to enjoy the experience

. Music was chosen to highlight this innovation

. Create a live music VR experience never seen before

. PR objective : invitation of 100 influencers/journalists at this VR live to discover the concert in a dedicated room at the event site, then to experience the end of the live stream in the showcase room

. Retailtainment / Deployment strategy : this live music experience was also available in 9 stores across Europe

. Rights/ Replay : 1 year of promotional exploitation on the application, 6 months on TV (special version declined from the VR version)


. Unlike former VR Music Experience, creation of a custom showcase in order to create a totally immersive experience for the virtual audience with :

> stage designed in 360°

> camera at the centre of the stage

. Each track was accompanied by a dedicated 360° lighting design (total : 6 tracks)


. Only cinema and game contents in this VR application > Music = Never done before = Potential new audiences

. Reach, engagement & NPS improvement guaranteed with a music artist

. An online and offline communications campaign was created to support this premiere!

Upstream including: 

. The invitation of journalists, influencers and partners

. An in-store poster campaign in the 9 relevant stores

. Digital video teasers posted on the social media accounts of the brand and artist

And downstream including: 

. A clip from the showcase in 360° video distributed on Facebook posted on the social media accounts of the brand and artist to promote the full concert available on the application

. Full concert on the brand TV for 6 months (TV version created from the VR content)


. 3 months of tech development with the IT brand teams in order to develop the functionnality of live VR

. 1 week to creation the 360° scenography

. 1 week to find the best venue in Paris which allowed to welcome 100 fans and 100 VIP (influencers, journalists, partners)

. 1 day of installation of the dedicated 360 stage and scenography


. Teasing : 2 weeks before the concert (online & offline communication)

. Livestream of the 1st LiveMusicVR on the brand application

. Replay available just after the concert in the application

. A clip from the showcase in 360° video distributed on Facebook posted 3 weeks after the concert

. The whole concert available to replay on the brand TV weeks after the concert


. Music Video VR available during 1 year on the application in Europe, 6 months on the brand TV in France


• Reach

. Digital reach of nearly 1 million!

• Engagement

. 40K organic views for the clip from the showcase in 360° video distributed on Facebook

• Impact

. Journalists and influencers who loved their immersive experience

. Positive articles about the concept*

. Brand Content Prize

Quantitative results :

. New subscribers (N.C at that time by the brand*)

. Viewers for the livestream and relays (N.C at that time by the brand*)

*This 1st LiveMusicVR is a pilot for the brand in order to test the interest to develop LiveMusicVR as a serie.

This brand doesn't want to communicate on the quantitative results and doesn't widely activate his PR departments after this operation because it's a pilot.

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