Cannes Lions

Make Movies Like the Movies

BLACKSMITH, New York / APPLE / 2021







Make Movies like the movies. A film to launch iPhone 12 Pro – the only smartphone that can shoot, edit and playback in 4k Dolby Vision. Freed from cumbersome, expensive equipment, up and coming film makers no longer need post houses or colorists to create movie magic.

We cut from behind the scenes to actual in screen footage to demonstrate the capabilities of the iPhone 12 as a serious tool for filmmaking. We see all kinds of movies being captured and edited by local directors and filmmakers using the iPhone 12 Pro.

The commercial was produced on location in Los Angeles and Lancaster California. Sets included a car chase scene in a tunnel in downtown LA; and ‘end scene’ filmed from the old Sears and Roebuck Warehouse overlooking Downtown LA, and several ‘desert scenes including a horse stampede.

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