Cannes Lions


RAPP GERMANY, Hamburg / RAPP / 2012

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RAPP Germany has recently transformed itself from direct and dialogue-marketing pioneers to one of Germany’s leading multichannel agencies. But how best to convince marketing decision makers that RAPP is their ideal new partner and motivate them to arrange a meeting?

Our creative team developed an innovative, attention-grabbing acquisition campaign that told the story of the birth of RAPP – and by definition – the story of the birth of direct marketing itself. The campaign was aimed at selected ‘hot prospects’ from our database to help RAPP Germany get its foot in the door – and jam it wide open.


This was direct marketing at its finest. By referring to our agency’s heritage and re-launching its most legendary campaign, we proved that powerful communication can transcend time and still retain originality and effectiveness. With both our creative idea and its execution, we were able to soundly demonstrate that RAPP understands the business of direct marketing – it is in our genes. Our approach combined a highly personal element together with the serious business proposition RAPP has to offer.


The response figures were as sensational as the socks themselves. Highly acclaimed by everyone, 32 out of 40 prospects immediately made contact after receiving the mailing. The agency secured appointments with 22 potential clients who all became the proud owners of a quality pair of hand-knit socks. 2 weeks later, RAPP Germany was already presenting new approaches and creative strategies to 2 new clients.

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