Cannes Lions

Meet Graham



2 Grand Prix Cannes Lions
8 Gold Cannes Lions
15 Silver Cannes Lions
4 Bronze Cannes Lions
9 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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Case Film
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Demo Film
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Case Film
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Case Film
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Case Film
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Meet Graham, the only person designed to survive on our roads. Part interactive sculpture, educational tool and ultimately a catalyst for conversation, Graham shows us how humans would need to change to survive a car crash. Over several months a trauma surgeon and a road safety engineer collaborated with a world-renowned artist using decades of road safety data, medical research and creativity to deliver evolution underpinned by evidence.

Their goal was to create a visceral experience with a simple, unavoidable message. If you don’t look like Graham then you need to slow down on our roads.

During the process key weaknesses in the human body were identified and modified, each change told a new story, showing what happens to our bodies in common crash scenarios.


Australia first met Graham at a launch at the Victorian State Library, with the interactive exhibition then going on to tour regional areas where people are 4 times more likely to be involved in a crash.

Visitors used Tango, Google’s augmented reality technology (a first) to go beneath his skin and better understand his anatomy. Each physiological change was a new source of information showing what happens to your body in a crash.

To ensure maximum impact & reach, for those that couldn’t meet Graham in person we created a website that replicated the in-person experience, providing visitors with the interactive tools to explore him in 360 degrees to understand his physiology and the forces that come into play during a car crash.

As Graham was adopted into school curriculums, the site also served as a portal for educators to obtain lesson ideas in subjects spanning science, arts and civics.


To date 287,282 people have visited Graham in the flesh, with an 86% increase in gallery visitation wherever Graham went. 1 in 6 people in regional areas saw the exhibition.

Beyond the exhibit, Graham sparked a global road safety conversation. With over 10 million website visits in 5 days, 89% campaign message recall and 1.2 Billion global impressions in the first week.

Graham has been adopted by the W.H.O. as the global face of road safety for 2017.

An indication of the cultural impact of Graham comes from Google; search for ‘Graham’ and the first page of web results, and first 15 images, are all of the ‘Meet Graham’ campaign, achieved organically through user action ($0 on SEO).

But the most important influence Graham has is on our future drivers, as he was integrated into school curriculums. To date over 2000 educational resources have been downloaded from the website.

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