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MediaMarkt is Europe’s leading Consumer Electronics Retailer. The lion share of its communication is sales promotion heavy: consequence of a price aggressive category, heavily fueled by online pure players. MediaMarkt is a brand with a strong heritage in bold sales promotional communication. There is however a limit to the price aggressiveness for MediaMarkt. Therefore this is not the area in which MediaMarkt will differentiate sufficiently in future.


Development of an integrated campaign that brings to life the MediaMarkt brand essence ‘pleasure’ in order to re-connect the brand with the target group.


Connection with the target group on a meaningful level by playing a role in people’s lives.

KPI: Social Engagement.

Conversion of meaning into money.

KPI: Increase in Online Sales


The core idea was to claim this topic and territory uniquely for MediaMarkt in a bold, provocative and highly entertaining way. The Hashtag #Männertage (#MensMonthlies) gave this phenomenon a name and a term. Led by this hashtag men were portrayed, suffering during their time of the month and women who were forced to also deal with the situation. Luckily there is a solution. The campaign shows the perfect tongue-in-cheek cure from these monthly pains and inconveniences: Consumer Electronics from MediaMarkt. An absolute pleasure.


MediaMarkt as a brand is all about the pleasure of shopping for gadgets. It’s a Consumer Electronics retailer and due to its communication heritage a very male brand offering products and services that are more male oriented than not. Therefore, we decided to be brutally honest about ourselves. MediaMarkt is a male brand for men. MediaMarkt fully understands men. Better than anyone has ever understood them before. The brand is a soul-mate for men. This is what we brought to life by identifying and addressing the, meanwhile scientifically somewhat proven, insight; men have that time of the month, too. A phenomenon everyone is familiar with, but no one dares to talk about. We set out to trigger conversations around this ‘taboo’ subject in Germany and by doing so showing the role MediaMarkt plays in men’s lives – self-irony included!


The fully integrated brand campaign comprised of three stages.

Stage 1: Triggering the Conversation: Release of research findings around ‘That time of the month for men’ in a major PR Push through the ‘Bild Brand Story’ (Online Video, Display) Germany’s leading yellow press platform - print & online and Social Media activities.

Stage 2: Fueling the Conversation:

Grand Entrance for the topic of #MensMonthlies in Germany through awareness and engagement driving media (TVC, Cinema, (Digital) OOH, Display, Affiliate, Influencer Marketing, Social Media activities and Online Video). The campaign was rolled out in (approx.) 270 physical MediaMarkt markets across Germany (POS Material, Instore TV) as well as its online-shop, which was promoted heavily through programmatic bannering. Even MediaMarkt’s sponsorship of the German Football League was leveraged to guarantee maximum exposure for #MensMonthlies.

Stage 3: Converting the Conversation: Conversations and discussions around #MensMonthlies were managed with drive to store messaging.


With a total reach of 344 million impressions the MediaMarkt campaign around #MensMonthlies became Talk of the Nation in Germany. Men welcomed the new soul-mate into their lives and heavily interacted with campaign content, meeting the objective of increasing consumer engagement with a social engagement rate of 79,51%.

Source: MM Reporting Männertage, Power BI by Microsoft

With its highly efficient programmatic bannering approach the campaign, reached men at the right time, in the right place, in the right mood, resulting in 46 Mio Impressions, 122.000 clicks, generating incremental online sales of 2.6 Mio Euros.

Source: MM Reporting Männertage, Power BI by Microsoft

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