Cannes Lions

Mental Load


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The feminist movement is reaching hitherto unforeseen dimensions. And P&G has joined the struggle for equality by focusing its efforts and defining its role in a field which is coherent with its brands, helping to break down the barriers of inequality in the home.

Although roles within the family are changing, and chores appear to be shared, the burdensome task of planning these tasks is not shared equally. It is women who bear the burden of ensuring that everything functions in the household. The consequences? Three in four women in Spain suffer from ‘mental load’. This finding was reinforced by the study conducted by the P&G website.

The Mental Load project is intended as a first step to changing the situation, drawing attention to an invisible problem of which women are unaware and create an opportunity to encourage discussion, empathy and the search for solutions.


Three in four women in Spain suffer from ‘mental load’ caused by the overwhelming responsibility of managing the home. It’s an invisible job that even the women themselves don't see.

We wanted to reveal an unequal situation that has less to do with the chores themselves than with managing logistics in the home, and we did it by conducting a study with a sample of more than 2,400 participants and an experiment with five couples.

The video of the experiment became the focal point of the campaign and an excellent way to illustrate the existence of the problem.


P&G has been proving its commitment to gender equality for years. Once again, it wanted to take action to trigger conversations and motivate change. Because this brand is associated with the household, it was decided to focus on a problem that affects three in four women, the main cause of which is the overwhelming burden of planning household tasks.

Our campaign worked on a real insight that had not been exploited before, drawing attention to the problems of female mental load, creating spaces of sisterhood for women and empathy with partners, to popularise the concept and enable women to acknowledge the problem and share the burden.

Our most powerful tool: realism. We surveyed more than 2,400 people, and conducted an experiment with real couples that revealed their own problems.


The project is based on a study with more than 2,400 women, men and their children on the subject of domestic responsibilities.

As well as the study, an experiment was conducted with five real couples as a first step to understanding the situation and making a change. Aware that mental load is a silent problem, we found a silent witness to record the results: the Notes app on their mobile.

Participants were asked to record all their pending chores in the Note app of their mobile phones for a week. On the day of the experiment, they swapped mobiles with their partners and read their lists aloud. It showed that while men think about their jobs and personal affairs, women have more tasks to do, and they are closely related to domestic chores.


•We worked on a real insight that had never been used by a brand before.

•+ 185 clips national and international (37 times more than target), achieving +64,000,000 impressions (1,280% above target).

•100% positive feeling and 100% brand mentions.

•No other P&G Spain video has received more organic views (1,427,091 views).

•The website received more visits that it had since 2018, reaching the largest number of users during the campaign period.

•A total of 49% views on Facebook are organic: +200,000 interactions (cost per engagement below €0.03).

•Whatsapp is the main channel for sharing, with Youtube accounting for half of all organic traffic.

•It made the midday news on TELECINCO on International Women's Day (1,500,000 viewers).

•A local insight that reached thousands of women around the world: 7,000,000 impressions outside Spain (earned media).

•We increased awareness of the concept: with 400% more searches for the term in Google.

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