Cannes Lions

Monopoly Home town

OMD SPAIN, Madrid / HASBRO / 2018

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Case Film






2 AM at Pedroso, Spain. The alarm clocks of its 81 neighbors ring in unison. What can be that important to make everybody come to an agreement? Ask Mr. Monopoly: it’s time to wake up and vote to get a space on the Spanish edition Monopoly’s board, with the name “Pedroso” on it!

As ‘The Future of Spain’ study revealed, Spaniard find more relevant those brands taking care of local communities. We stand up for what is ours.

And what else do we feel ‘ours’ but our home town? The local soccer team, our home town celebrations... What is ours is always the best and, if necessary, we will stand for it by fire and sword.

We decided to use that pride of belonging to leverage desirability in the relaunching of Monopoly’s Spanish edition. Everybody would like to have a Monopoly board featuring the name of their home town!


Our activation featured a net of touchpoints which spread like roots.

We placed Mr. Monopoly in a real-life board building a stand at Fitur, the biggest Tourism Exhibition in Spain, in which the main regions promote themselves.

We chose the perfect ambassador: Roberto Leal, host and creator of ‘España Directo’, a TV format travelling around the towns of Spain and showing their everyday life.

Roberto Leal opened the voting with a vote for his home town, broadcasting it in a Facebook Live event on Monopoly Spain’s social profile.

Then, we activated the rest of triggers:

• A press release to carefully selected regional media that would ignite the flame of local pride.

• A semantic Search campaign in whose keywords list appeared each and every Spanish location, with a call to action heading to the voting site.

• And a geographically micro-segmented strategy in owned and paid social media.


Everybody engaged; the smallest villages above all, where the neighbors created WhatsApp groups to organize and vote, or set their clock alarms to vote in the middle of the night.

We caused so much media noise in local media (706 news published) and such a wave of digital content and those published in Mr. Monopoly’s owned media (127.340 people reached organically), that we grabbed the attention of main national media. Which covered the new giving us a huge visibility through earned media: we reached 250 million impacts!

We got 17 million votes in the microsite, almost a half of the Spanish population! Voting microsite received 21 million of visits.

We appeared in all general-interest press and in the main news segment on TV, in prime time. Obtaining a value box of more than 2 million euros in just 2 months… with an investment of less than 50k euros!

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