Cannes Lions

Naked Hour


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Case Film






2020 hasn't been an easy year for anyone. But it's been a particularly tough year for Brazilians. Besides the problems we all know of, 2020's summer's been the hottest in a long time. However, this year Brazilians couldn't go outside and refresh themselves at the beach and parks as they always do, neither simply grab some fresh air to release the daily pressure. And that's where we come in. Sprite can't solve the world's big problems, but there's one thing we can do: give people some freshness. Especially when that freshness comes with a light hearted smile and an opportunity to turn life's lemons into… you know the saying. So the main objective was to generate a buzz and conversation while the brazilians was going through a huge physical and mental health, inviting them to refresh with a Sprite in a natural way at home.


Much is lost when we're locked at home in the summer. But one thing is gained when you're inside: the right to be naked. 2020 summer is not like the others in Brazil. And it's also hotter than ever. But to make Brazilians realize the one good side of staying inside this year, we created the #NakedHour (#PeladosERefrescados): a movement to inspire everyone to sit back, drink a cold Sprite and be completely nude. After all, you might not be able to go to the beach or the park this year, but the sensorial experience of drinking a cold Sprite completely naked at home is the one fresh moment no one can take away from you.


In Brazil, Sprite connects with the famous gen Z: young people from 16 to 24 years old and thru deep dive on the target's social media, we found that the brazilians young people's routine was going through moments of tension (inside at home, stress from home office and online classes and not being able to see friends). Moreover, this stress would reach its peak due to the arrival of summer and as high temperatures indoors. So, we used the context to reinforce Sprite's approach as an icon of mental and physical refreshment on hot days at home and we use digital social media to impact and talk to the consumer. We invite young Brazilian adults to refresh their bodies and reset their minds with a break in their routines while their house is the best place ever (in our pandemic mode) to enjoy it through the #NakedHour (#PeladosERefrescados) movement.


The campaign journey began with an asset-hero that invited Brazilians to enjoy their heat days at home in the most free way possible: naked. Through the hashtag #NakedHour (#PeladosERefrescados), we invited a team of 200 influencers from different bodies and styles to join the movement and post their photos on social media. Each influencer was responsible for showing in their own way how they were enjoying the heat inside the house naked and refreshed with a cold Sprite. To further enhance the conversation, we created a branded content with one of the largest channels of humor on youtube, encouraging the public to cool down in a way that only quarantine allows. And so, a great chain was started: with more people joining the Sprite movement, sharing their photos on social media in a totally safe way (we created a sticker pack for someone's privates not showing on the internet).


With a limited media budget, the campaign gathered over 1MM impacts with 10.000+ (naked) users engaged, organically reaching the trending topics on Twitter and delivering a 44% sales increase during campaign time. Positive conversations around the brand rose in 440% and the #NakedHour (#PeladosERefrescados) hashtag is still being used by users up until today, introducing a new lighthearted consuming habit in Brazil.

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