Cannes Lions

Nike | Tiger Would

WIEDEN+KENNEDY, Portland / NIKE / 2022

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This year marked 25 years of Tiger at the Masters. Since taking Augusta by storm in 1997, ?no one’s been able to forget it. Whether he’s on the course, in contention, or far from it, his name inevitably finds its way into every conversation. So even in a year like this, when he’s on the mend from injury – and may not even compete, rest assured he’ll still be top of mind.

NIKE wanted to leverage the Masters moment to pay homage to Tiger and his impact on the sport—and the world. And in doing so, get Tiger & NIKE Golf into the hearts, minds, and feeds of fans at The Master’s.


Tiger’s impact on the game over the past 25 years has changed it forever, but it was no easy feat. In this idea, we underscored Tiger’s lasting legacy by posing the question - would you be willing to do what he did to change the game? Tiger would. This is the mentality that we’ve all come to know and love, and even want for ourselves.

To illustrate how he’s opened doors for others, we tapped an avid golfer who, before Tiger, would have been hard to imagine on a golf course: rapper Schoolboy Q. As the lead talent of our film, he speaks on all the hurdles Tiger faced and the drive and determination that got him over all of them. All pointing to the next generation of golfers who are carrying Tiger’s legacy forward.


This whole time, we thought Tiger was chasing perfection, but he was actually pushing progress.

When you’ve done as much as he has, you clearly don’t love the idea of stopping.

You’re playing for something bigger. Driven by something no one else can see. It’s why record after record, you come up with new goalposts to run down. As the years fly by, your perspective widens. You no longer do it for just you. You’re giving those around you, the same challenges & motivation that drove you. The path to growth and progression that fueled you, you freely give to others. It spreads beyond your sport, into the cultures that surround it. So even when Tiger’s level of involvement changes, his spirit, presence, and impact never will.


Our goal was to leverage the Masters excitement to pay homage to Tiger and his impact on the sport —and the world. On the first day of Tiger’s unprecedented return to Masters play, 4/7, NIKE captured the moment and launched the film speaking directly to the next generation of athletes. With a focus on diverse Gen-Z and Millennial audiences, NIKE inspired with emphasis on reaching them through their feeds, specifically on streaming, digital, and social.


Instagram alone generated 5.8M views and 27K engagements during the Masters window with an overwhelmingly positive response to Schoolboy Q’s, including organic mentions by other hip hop artists and athletes.

In total, the campaign generated 62.7M Total impressions, 26.3M Views and inspired 3.5K New Nike Members to join us across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Revolt, Spotify, Hulu, and Snapchat.

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