Cannes Lions

No Baby Unhugged


Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






For a newborn, being held doesn’t just feel good, it is a medically necessary developmental stimulus. There is now irrefutable evidence that hugging helps stabilize vital signs, build immune systems, promote weight gain, ward off chronic illness, improve brain development and that’s just the beginning.

So we created No Baby Unhugged: the world’s first initiative to partner with hospitals to 1) help all moms understand the power of hugging her own baby immediately after birth and 2) help all babies get the hugs they need, even if moms can’t be there to give them.

Our initiative educates moms on the benefits of hugging her baby immediately after birth, while providing her with tools to help her hug. More importantly, No Baby Unhugged provides funding and other kinds of assistance to hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Units wanting to create volunteer hugging program for their sick or preemie babies.


No Baby Unhugged is in its second year in Canada, and in its infancy in 28 other countries:

We create surrogate hugging programs:

We fund and facilitate volunteer hugging programs in hospital NICUs to provide hugs for newborns whenever moms can’t. Through TV, online films, social, digital and PR, we chronicle our involvement.

We educate moms on the benefits of hugging:

In every channel, including TV, social, online films and PR, we illuminate the benefits of skin-to-skin hugs for babies.

We inspire moms to sign up with Huggies:

We invite moms to upload a photo of them hugging their babies or bellies in exchange for a donation to our hospital initiative and free diapers.

We help moms make a plan to hug:

To help moms ensure hospitals adhere to their skin-to-skin wishes following birth, we developed our Hug Plan. It can be obtained online or through magazines and other channels.


•Global adoption of No Baby Unhugged by 28 countries, including the US.

•5 No Baby Unhugged Hospitals, with many more coming soon in Canada and abroad.

•Over 54,000 No Baby Unhugged Moms have joined our Canadian initiative online.

•The world’s first Hug Plan, an extension of a mom’s own birth plan, has already been sought out by more than 13,000 Canadian moms.

•3.2 million engagements in social media, the #1 driver of acquisition.

•An online advertising CTR of 5X the industry benchmark

•Endorsement by dozens of perinatal experts, along with the Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centers

•An unprecedented 30% increase in newborn diaper sales, since No Baby Unhugged launched.

•The new #1 diaper choice of Canadian hospitals, a claim owned by Pampers prior to No Baby Unhugged.

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