
Novartis Pavilion - Wonders of Medicine


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Novartis is one of the major pharmaceutical producers and innovators in healthcare, striving for authentic connectivity with its local community and the international sphere. The goal was to create a platform for exchange, innovation and collaborate thinking.

Novartis extends an open invitation to delve into the captivating domain of innovation, fostering a deep understanding of research and science's dynamics. This comprehensive narrative is a journey through the intricate world of medical collaboration, a chain from research to production, from bench to bedside. The experience encompasses the entire spectrum of drug development. The focus is set on the different steps of the production chain and its protagonists. Starting with the needs of the patient by providing scientific insights and beyond the scene experiences, the challenges give visitors food for thought. The goal was to create an authentic, interactive, educative and approachable experience that's truly moving, fostering a deep understanding.


The exhibition unfolds across four engaging topics, each peeling back the layers of healthcare. At its heart, the patient and their journey takes centre stage, with their experiences driving the narrative. A deep dive into the world of research reveals the complex web of scientific exploration and innovation. A retrospective gaze offers a historical perspective, tracing the evolution of medical growth and progress throughout time. As the visitor delves into medical history, they gain a profound understanding of the foundations upon which healthcare stands today. And finally, stepping forward, these insights are used to cast a vision into the future of healthcare. While keeping it simple, the aim is to illuminate the complexities of the industry and offer genuine insights. This multiperspective approach allows visitors to appreciate the multifaceted nature of healthcare's past, present, and the exciting prospects that lie ahead. It was the aim to avoid product-placements or promotions.


The design language is ephemeral, with a timeless aesthetic that complements the content's complexity on one hand, and the prominent sculptural appeal of the architecture on the other. Moreover, the exhibition designs concept aims for a highly interactive experience. Media installations are not just informative, but playful and participatory, encouraging visitors to step into the shoes of researchers and patients. By the means of a multimedia guide, that becomes a digital companion during the visit, the movement of visitors throughout the exhibition is tracked. When approaching an installation, the content will intuitively be displayed. Therefore, visitors become their own interface and scroll back and forth in the content by their own movement throughout the space. This unique blend of design and interactivity provides a platform for authentic exploration, enabling visitors to understand the Wonders of the Medicine, the world of medical research and the needs of patients.


The design of the exhibition adds substantial value to the science and pharmaceutical community. It becomes a platform fostering synergies and discussions between people and experts. Novartis communicates its work transparently and provides a look behind the scenes, enabling understanding of complex drug-making processes. Culturally, this exhibition becomes a “discussion-enabler”, representing the "Art" of science and serving as a cultural asset which is emphasised through its vibrantly displayed media façade. It's an aesthetic icon with both content and meaning, countering the criticism often directed at big pharma by shedding critical light on the industry. The design's focus on engagement and transparency, with integrated touchpoints and carefully chosen materials and style elements, is the key to achieving this broad cultural impact. Its approach aims to transform the perception of Novartis from a pharmaceutical giant into an open, meaningful contributor to healthcare and science, at a scale that resonates with the public.

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