Cannes Lions

NTUC Income Made Yours

BBH, Singapore / NTUC INCOME / 2022

Demo Film
1 of 0 items






It actually took 39 takes to come up with that one perfect shot. There were many disastrous takes, with most errors stemming from the human element. Take the wedding couple moving through the blinds for example. Many a time, the drone hit the blinds as they came down too fast. It also took quite a few shots to get the actors used to the buzzing sound of the drone, and ensure that they don’t flinch or react to the presence of a foreign object. One of the challenges the team faced was finding a housing complex with several different looks for the interiors, and making sure that all the areas could be covered with the drone’s limited battery power.

Since it was to be a single-take video, the team needed homes that were not only in proximity of each other, but also representing diversity in socioeconomic status.

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