Cannes Lions


WIEDEN+KENNEDY, Portland / OREO / 2013


2 Silver Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Supporting Content
Presentation Image
Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film
Case Film
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It was time to find out the answer to humanity’s most important question: Cookie or creme? Oreo’s very first Super Bowl ad drove viewers to Instagram, where fans chose sides by tagging photos either #cookiethis or #cremethis. And then, for three long, oppressively - sweet - smelling days, we did just that. Twenty artists recreated Instagram photos using mountains of cookies and pounds of creme. One hundred fifty sculptures later, Oreo went from 0 followers to nearly 85,000 and became the fastest growing account in Instagram’s (notably short) history.


By asking people to choose sides–either cookie or crème–we sparked a passionate argument that created a real, dynamic conversation among our target that made OREO relevant to them. While most brands currently use Instagram as a one-way platform, we were able to engage users in an irreverent back-and-forth that had never been done before. At the end of the event, this odd and fun parade of cookie sculptures broke new ground for a new target but never lost sight of the brand’s distinctive voice.


We were asked to come up with a campaign that would appeal to a younger demographic, that target audience lives on Instagram so we wanted to speak to them in their natural habitat.

In the 60 seconds following the spot, @OREO's Instagram followers jumped from 2,000 to over 20,000. Three minutes after the spot, the followers hit 30,000. By the end of the three-day campaign @OREO compiled the following:

-85K new followers

-45K #cookiethis/#cremethis tagged photo submissions

-800K total likes

-41,400 total comments

-33 photos on the "Popular/Explore" tab

-#1 spot on the front page of Reddit.

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