Cannes Lions

OTTO "La Paz"

HEIMAT, Berlin / OTTO / 2018







We show the power of community through five strangers, who are all on the same bus on their way up

the Andes to celebrate Christmas with their loved ones. A landslide forces them to stop and turns

isolation into integration, distance into proximity. And in the end – strangers into friends. True to the

core message: "Together it’s Christmas".


We also promoted the story of “Together it’s Christmas” in a 30” TV version. Our target: raising

awareness for OTTO and drive people to visit the microsite to see the whole story – and of course to

shop for Christmas gifts. The 30“ TV version was aired for 6 weeks on RTL, VOX, SuperRTL, RTL Nitro,

Sat.1, ProSieben, Kabel Eins, ProSieben Maxx, Sixx, Sat.1 Gold and RTL II. We also promoted the story

with TV cut-ins, bumper ads on Facebook and YouTube, display and video ads, digital out-of-home

billboards and giant posters. On our microsite we offered 20.000 free song downloads from “Feliz

Navidad” and started a cooperation with „Deutsche Post“ – 50.000 postcards could be send out for

free. Furthermore, we shared specific content about Christmas in Bolivia.

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