Cannes Lions
MODEM MEDIA, San Francisco / INTEL / 2001
SPECIFIC CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVESDrive traffic to site and corresponding site areas and provide users with a memorable cutting edge experience that ties to the Pentium and Intel brands. In order to grab the most attention and to create a "buzz", the online campaigns use the Blue Man Group to interact with the consumer.PRIMARY TARGET: NETIZENNetizens are consumers who enjoy using technology to enhance their lifestyle and integrate it into their daily lives. They are Internet focused, security and privacy conscious and likely Internet role models. They adapt technologies sooner than other consumers and although they gain satisfaction from Internet mastery they do not define themselves by their technology use. Technology is simply one of many diverse interests for the Netizen. Further breakdown of the category leads to the ...Mouse Potatoes*Represents a broader segment of technology optimists*Broader use of the Internet (downloads, music, broad band home usage)*Primarily use of technology and web for entertainment
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