Cannes Lions


ARTPLAN, Rio De Janeiro / PEUGEOT / 2002

Presentation Image






The billboard did more than make people curious. All the passers-by became part of the media as they stopped to stare at the billboard along with the actors. It created immediate interaction. Groups of 20 actors stopped in front of the billboard to appreciate the car's picture. On the billboard, the title: "It draws attention anywhere". It took place over two days and within periods of five minutes. On the second day, the same actors were still making the same movement, but wearing neck braces to show how long they stood staring the car. The media team had a very important role in choosing the locations for the billboards. As the idea was to have "acting" in front of them, details such as location, quantity of people passing by and the size of the sidewalk (after all, there were 20 actors in front of the billboards) were essential to make the idea happen. The communication goal was to position Peugeot 206 as the car with the best design. Our action, "It draws attention anywhere", has definitely accomplished this goal.


The media team had a very important role in choosing the locations for the billboards. As the idea was to have "acting" in front of them, details such as location, quantity of people passing by and the size of the sidewalk (after all, there were 20 actors in front of the billboards) were essential to make the idea happen.

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