Cannes Lions

PLUS Christmas 2022








We prefer to celebrate Christmas with the people we love. Around a table full of good food and drink. That's why people are spending more money on their Christmas shopping, but every euro can only be spent once. Especially at a time when prices are rising and more and more people are feeling the pinch, where do they spend their euros?

PLUS is a quality supermarket. They want people to shop with them instead of their (discount) competitors. The challenge was to develop a TV spot that would touch people emotionally, increase brand preference, retain existing customers and attract new ones.

PLUS believes in the unifying power of sharing a meal. This message is even more important during the holiday season and should be central to the commercial storyline.

Campaign awareness: 57% (benchmark)

Increase in brand preference: +11% (before: 7%)

Visitor intent: 48%

Market share growth: + 6,75%


Despite increased media pressure from competitors, PLUS managed to win a place in people's hearts and minds. This has resulted in good scores for brand, preference, intent and market share.

High reach was achieved in a short period of time. Recognition of the TVC is high and with 63% well above target (target: 57%). Holidays at PLUS revolve around 'eating well means eating together'. Awareness of this proposition increased over the Christmas period (22%, before: 20%).

Memo2 research shows that the PLUS ad led to a significant increase in brand preference and visit intent. Preference is up two percentage points on last year (9%, before: 7%), although preference is still below target at 9% (target: 11%). Intention to visit is on target at 48%.

PLUS achieved year-on-year sales growth with an all-time sales record in week 51 and a market share of 7.35%.


Despite increased media pressure from competitors, PLUS managed to win a place in people's hearts and minds. This has resulted in good scores for brand, preference, intent and market share.

High reach was achieved in a short period of time. Recognition of the TVC is high and with 63% well above target (target: 57%). Holidays at PLUS revolve around 'eating well means eating together'. Awareness of this proposition increased over the Christmas period (22%, before: 20%).

Memo2 research shows that the PLUS ad led to a significant increase in brand preference and visit intent. Preference is up two percentage points on last year (9%, before: 7%), although preference is still below target at 9% (target: 11%). Intention to visit is on target at 48%.

PLUS achieved year-on-year sales growth with an all-time sales record in week 51 and a market share of 7.35%.

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