Cannes Lions

Press Here Now

INBRAX , Santiago / UNICEF / 2023

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At an early stage of COVID-19, the need for vaccines against the virus, and making sure everyone in the world had access to them, quickly became apparent. Months before the vaccines were available, only rich countries will be able to secure millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccines, a privilege to which the rest of the world did not have access, considering the limited possibilities for lower-income countries where we see the difficulties to take care of for its population. Some countries will have to wait months or even years before their entire population can be immunized.

The objectives of this campaign were:

- Achieve a potential audience reach of 10 million in Latin America during the campaign period.

- Achieve 500,000 effective donations that translate into vaccines against the Covid-19 virus.

- Achieve 500,000 effective users to the website.


The fight against the COVID-19 pandemic has become one of humanity's greatest challenges. The joint work of different countries has resulted in a vaccine that could overcome the pandemic, but not all countries have the resources to acquire it and secure the doses. On the other hand, the pandemic has impacted the world in every way: we are facing a consumer who has developed an attachment to technology and learned from digital possibilities to replace physical actions, such as shopping.

The challenges presented by this crisis provided an opportunity for organizations to evolve towards a new reality where the digital presence predominates to interact with the consumer in a more empathetic and simple way. That is why we wanted to impact users with the reality of the most vulnerable, and in turn motivate Be a relevant actor in the fight against COVID-19.


In this campaign we wanted a digital strategy that considered the new advertising context with a digital approach, as well as integrating the lessons learned from the metrics provided by media agencies. Once the metrics of the different digital channels were analyzed: advertising on social networks, websites, Google graphic ads, among others, we established performance parameters to establish a simple but effective digital strategy.

In the format, we established as a guideline the use of digital communication codes that complied with simplicity in the proposal and frankness in its call to action. Thus, the banner was an effective candidate for our digital campaign due to its versatility, usability and daily use. In the channel proposal, we based ourselves on a 100% digital paid advertising strategy, establishing a display campaign that allowed us to increase consideration with interest groups and the general population,

more likely to convert.


The results achieved in this campaign were:

- Reach with communication during the campaign period reached more than 40 million people (+400% of the target).

- 100M Covid 19 vaccines were donated and delivered through the COVAX mechanism to low-income countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

- Achieved +20M effective users on the website during the campaign period.

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