Cannes Lions

QQ Alert: Reunion After Years

TENCENT, Shenzhen / TENCENT / 2018


2 Bronze Cannes Lions
Case Film
Case Film
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QQ Alert brings state-of-art facial recognition into a benevolent enterprise and facilitates what used to an impossible mission at maximum efficiency, together with active engagement of millions of young users of QQ. Technology has an aspect of brightness and warmth.

1. We have achieved an accuracy of 99.80% in matching pairs of faces of the same person at different ages, thanks to deep learning that allows us to know more about how human faces evolve, recognize and remove impressions of natural growth, and bring families back together.

2. We aim to be the AMBER of China. Based on QQ’s 800-million-class MAU and precise LBS, we are able to notify all QQ users in the same city of any person calling for our help promptly and mobilize their efforts to find lost children, elders or rare blood.

In China, 600,000 people get lost every year. Besides traditional approaches, such as public authorities, media and NGOs, QQ Alert offers a more efficient and prompt mobile service that filters through advanced facial recognition and collaborates with relevant authorities.

Years alter how one looks like and make surmount trouble to anyone looking for him or her. QQ Alert, with its 10m-class database of human faces and knowledge of how they change over time after millions of experiments, is able to automatically recognize and remove the impressions of natural growth and achieve an accuracy of 99.80% in matching pairs of faces of the same person at different ages. In case anyone needs help, it suffices to upload the photo of the lost person – it doesn’t matter whether it was taken one day before or ten years ago – and we will filter through our massive database, 50,000,000 per second, and instantly presents the matching result. This new technology means that hope for reunion never extinguishes.

QQ Alert 2.0 was launched on May 25, 2017, adding modules for lost elders and rare blood types. In collaboration with the largest Chinese NGO in its field, RH Union, we can find the right blood 30% faster than conventional procedures. 8 of the 10 highlighted cases are solved perfectly, and in particular, a volunteer of hh blood group, or Bombay Blood, have engaged with us. The lost elders module has access to documents of more than 1,900 relief stations around China, and over 100 elders have reunited with their families. According to the latest statistics, 5 million plus QQ users have volunteered to the two new projects.

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