Cannes Lions



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Case Film
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COVID-19 has restricted us from traveling. We are trapped in an endless self-restraint period, unable to discover new worlds and experiences. Even when the stay-at-home order was lifted, people remained lock-down inside themselves.

It is difficult to win over such people once again. Government's promotion failed, bringing disaster in the tourism industry and local economies. How do we heal lockdown burnouts? This is the task Japan is facing now.


Nissan got Japan to become the biggest gameboard in the world.

In cooperation with Japan's largest travel agency, a major toy manufacturer,

and 53 local authorities we located spaces throughout Japan to develop a gigantic board game with a total length of 500km.

The rules are simple. Players would go online to spin the roulette, drive the distance they rolled, and take on local challenges while heading for the goal.

The journey to experience destinations in a long row was offered to anyone and everyone.


In times when SNS has all the answers, uncertainty is what gets us moving. Nissan decided to focus on "Game of Life" - the most popular game in Japan. Anyone, including our target, would know the basic fun of the game. The affinity of a board game played on cars became a hot topic as soon as it was released.


·53 spaces were highly selected from 1600 authorities across the nation

·The game was introduced when the number of newly infected people decreased

·Participants were recruited on social networks, where PR events were conducted

·All you need is a smartphone; the experience was offered online to anyone that was interested.

·Cut-down board game version of our Real Game of Life also available

·Variety program showing influencers' experiences launched

·Guide Book in the motif of Real Game of Life to be published soon


·Trended on Twitter with over 45,000 posts

·Reported in various media, gaining 417 headlines and over 310 million in AVE

·Visits on Nissan KICKS HP spiked to 143%

·Participation statements by 22,355 people created a huge buzz

·148% Web Traffic. *Nissan SUV related page

·124% Dealership Foot Traffic. *Visitors coming for the purpose of NISSAN SUV

·119.7% Automotive Sales *Versus pre-launch Nissan Target Value

Nissan has always been at the forefront of offering electric cars and self-driving technologies. Our brand image as "the one to take us to a whole new world" came to the attention of many more people through this campaign. Nissan became a leader that drives people to an active life by proving our spirit to take on new challenges, even through difficult COVID times.

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