Cannes Lions

Real Views


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To make clear how much the New Megane really stands out from the crowd as a passionate car we had to focus on the attention that really matters. Where online impressions and other digital metrics are definitely a good indicator for a car's popularity, it's not what truly matters. After all, once you've bought a car you'll be driving it in the streets and not online.

That's why we decided to capture the amount of attention the car gets exactly where it should: on the streets in real life.


The Real Views car is fitted with 6 camera's, 3 computers, a GPS transmitter and a 4G router. Together with tailor-made facetracking software the car is able to autonomously keep track of the number of people checking it out, both whilst driving and standing still. A counter on the back of the car indicates the number of looks it caught.

To make sure we got the most accurate count, we tested our facetracking software on over 13.000 faces in order to get it exactly right.

The digital part of the campaign was built around where you can get a realtime status of the New Megane: How many people couldn't resist to look and where is it driving right now?

Untill January 2016 the New Megane drove around Belgium's biggest cities, most popular spots and even the national Auto/Moto/Van salon.


With 85.685 real views over 5.250 km the New Megane gathered over 16 real views per km. Quite impressing in a country with 370 inhabitants per square km. Especially during the cold winther months when we spend the bigger part of our days inside.Over 21.000 people visited the Real Views website and spent, on average, 1 minute following the car in real time

More people were exposed to the car in real life than on Renault Belgium's Facebook and Twitter pages, and even those had earne quite the free attention with 25.725 natural Facebook impressions and 11.7014 on Twitter.

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