Cannes Lions


PRIME, Stockholm / TETRA PAK / 2013

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Case Film
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In 2011, less than 25% of carton packages were recycled in Sweden – a huge waste of resources as the material in the packages could be re-used several times if recycled. The low recycling rates were also a threat towards the environmental credibility of Tetra Pak and cartons as an environmentally sustainable choice.

With this insight Tetra Pak set up a campaign with a target to increase recycling levels with three percentage points during 2012, focusing at 50% by 2020.

To kick-start the campaign we borrowed the most established term for rebirth, gave it a new communicative meaning and initiated the project: REINCARTONATION

Surveys showed lack of knowledge as the main reason why Swedes did not recycle beverage cartons, and with this in mind we equipped the most environmentally conscious group with information to share with their networks. A Facebook page was created to spread information and kill common myths about recycling, and the packages themselves became spokespersons fighting for their right to be reborn.

By proactive media activities, several competitions and a corporate cooperation (with WWF) a very positive response was generated. Our most successful competition was held in Swedish schools; one in six pupils (aged 6-12) participated.

At the end of 2012 Swedes had recycled 11 000 tons of beverage cartons, an increase of more than five percentage points from the previous year. Tetra Pak had turned a negative trend around and confirmed its position as a company with environmental credibility who takes responsibility throughout the entire supply chain.


1. Analysis: To gain a better understanding of target audiences and Swedes recycling behavior several surveys were conducted. Our main insight was that lack of knowledge was the main reason for not recycling. With this in mind we targeted the most environmentally conscious groups with more information to share with their networks, and we gave special attention to the young environmental heroes- schoolchildren encouraging their parents.

2. Production: Insights from our surveys were basis for all communication: Infographics and various materials for our Facebook page, including videos and cartoon strips, as well as a photo competition, school competition and a “carton carma”- tests. A corporate cooperation with World Wildlife Fund was initiated, and round table discussions with professionals from the entire supply chain- from forestry to retail- were invited to share knowledge and ideas.

3. Media Relations: Press materials were also released about the school competition, which run throughout the autumn 2012.


Overall goal:

Increase awareness and increase recycling levels with 3 percentage points during 2012. – - Commitment through knowledge - Behavioral change through arguments, recycling tips and information on recycling’s global impact - Long-term change


Increased recycling levels with 5 percentage points (11 000 tons of beverage cartons were recycled in 2012) -Main target groups were reached with information and tips: 1 in 6 pupils (aged 6-12) in Swedish schools participated in our school competition. - Recycling levels are at this moment still on the same strong 2012-levels, which means continuous positive long-term change

Campaigns Total Reach: 3 092 904

Campaigns Media Value: 165 023 euros

Facebook Reach: 450 000 people monthly

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