Cannes Lions

Remembrance Walk

ONIRIA\TBWA, Asuncion / ITAU / 2019

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Case Film
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A recent study revealed that 62% of Paraguayans tend to ignore their own culture. And the figure is even higher among young people.

Itaú believes the wealth of a country is measured also by its culture.

Guarania is a musical genre created in Paraguay. “Recuerdo de Ypacarai”, the most famous guarania song, turned 70 years old in 2019. This was an opportunity to reconnect Paraguayans with the authentic musical genre of their country


We created a musical installation that allows anyone to play the notes of “Recuerdo de Ypacarai” just by passing the palm of the hand over the keys.

This is a permanent installation made by artist Fernando Amberé Feliciangeli donated to the city of San Bernardino. It stands at Ypacaraí Lake, the inspiration for the song and the summer capital.


San Bernardino is the most visited city during summer in Paraguay by young people. The main attraction is the city lake of Ypacarai.

Itaú partnered with San Bernardino Municipality to make the installation on the new promenade on the side of the lake, close to city downtown. It became an Insta-shareable experience that works with local pride, creativity and playfulness.


We launched “Paseo del Recuerdo” with a press conference with special guest Maria Esperanza Ortiz, daughter of Demetrio Ortiz, the songwriter of “Recuerdos de Ypacarai”.

And made ambient communication on San Bernardino city bike path, leading to the musical installation.

We also registered the installation in Google Maps and made digital ads.

To increase the presence of the song in digital platforms, we invited Ivan Zavala, top pop singers from Paraguay, to record a new version of the song using the installation as an instrument. Here is the song -


- Over 81,000 people played it over the summer

- Declared a national tourist spot on February 8, 2019 according to Resolution no. 128 / 2019 Ministry of Tourism from Paraguay

- Reproductions of "Recuerdo de Ypacarai" rose by 45%

- “Paseo del Recuerdo” became application icon of the guarania as “Universal cultural heritage” at the Unesco

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