Cannes Lions


DDB BRASIL, Sao Paulo / ITAU / 2016

Case Film
Supporting Images
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So, using the cell phone as a tool, we created a continuous and reorganizable sequence of 40 films with a duration of about 20 seconds, where each one was presented by a flashy character such as: scarecrows, mummies, zombies, offering an argument that would go against the specific limitations of each client. The sequence would reorganize itself automatically, giving privilege to the arguments that best went against these limitations. The sequence would only stop when the client finally clicked on the video’s button to install the app – if he didn’t, then he’d end up watching all forty films.

So there could be exactly 815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000 campaigns generated.

All of this intelligence was monitored in real time by our performance team according to the results of the downloands or channels, using the Adobe Marketing Place.

This way, each client would see first the arguments that best fit his profile rendering the campaign much more effective.


40 films made specifically to be consumed on smaller screens, with iconographic protagonists and minimalist scenarios that brought the storytelling experience to mobile with less noise. The duration of the video was also conceived with this in mind. Short films that were connected to one another, and this brought immediate experiences, dynamic arguments and the surprise factor every 20 seconds.

Each video had a native call to action that took users to the corresponding store of their operating system. Through clicks, we measured the arguments that brought more results, and these would automatically gain priority in the algorithm that defined the order in which they were shown to different audiences.

The videos were seen in all the regions where the bank has clients – that is, everywhere in Brazil.


A greater quantitative research structured on the barriers that in fact inhibit the use of apps. Besides being possible to rank the most critical factors, these were segmented rankings for each account holder profile, providing for a future one-to-one relationship for managers.

A decrease in the unit cost engaged per installation of the apps. Even though the overall and accumulated result of the ROI was somewhat superior to the one previosly measured, this message optimization and public provided, in one third of the control groups, a reduction of 31% in the investment.

A perception increase for non-clients: the videos for those who couldn’t even install the app because they weren’t clients of the bank, accumulated added views which allowed this to be the most viewed campaign in brazilian social networks, with gains in attractiveness and technological reputation for the bank. And for the clients, a simple and direct result : over 283 thousand downloads.

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