Cannes Lions


LOWE SINGAPORE, Singapore / OMO / 2015

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Case Film
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Case Film
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Tet – Vietnam’s New Year – is a time for family reunions – millions reunite. However, there are thousands of migrant workers in cities who can’t pay for their journey back to the provinces.

So, OMO put kids at the heart of a reunion campaign to reunite as many families as possible.

An integrated platform was launched - school activation programmes, a digital ecospehere and PR efforts engaged the country from start to finish. Within 6 weeks, the children managed to reunite 5000 workers with their families.

OMO saw some of its most impressive numbers on all key parameters showing our endeavor resonated with mums – our primary TG.

But what made it truly worthwhile was helping millions of Vietnamese children see the power of their simple act of compassion.

Key PR elements

We used our PR efforts – TV, online and print - to get people in Vietnam to first recognise the isolation and desperation of thousands of workers during Tet.

And later used our partners to keep the campaign progress in the collective conscience of the country.

Some of our key partners: Vietnam Television – Vietnam’s national broadcaster. Tuói Tr? – Vietnam’s largest daily. Than Nién – Ho Chi Minh’s youth focussed newspaper and – Vietnam’s online community for youth with more visitors than Twitter or Linkedin. Webtretho – Vietnam’s largest online women’s community.


We launched with an emotional content piece online - of a girl who helps an old man – that highlighted the situation of migrant workers in Vietnam.

Simultaneously, we kicked off one of Vietnam’s largest school contact programmes where kids could make a change:

Kids chose workers to reunite with their families.

Then painted tickets that enabled them to journey home on specially chartered buses.

A digital platform was created where 100,000+ kids participated.

In parallel, national news media promoted the stories of the workers across Vietnam - including Vietnam’s national broadcaster – Vietnam TV and No.1 national daily - Tuoi Tre.

Within weeks, the kids reunion effort snowballed into a much larger social conversation about the plight of disadvantaged workers. People began sharing stories by the millions.

In the end, the children managed to reunite 5000 workers with their families – making it the largest mass migration effort led by a brand in Vietnam.


Recorded OMO’s best ever numbers during Tet showing our endeavour resonated with mums across Vietnam.


Our content piece generated 9.8 million views in 6 weeks.

Social reach - 8,517,038 people.

Average time spent - 3 minutes per person.

100,000+ kids directly engaged – highest for any brand initiative in Vietnam.

The reunion effort was the No.1 trending topic on social media.


For every dollar we spent on PR, we earned US$ 500 in return.


Brand conviction scores reached an all-time high of 86 points.

Brand fame parameters reached an all-time high:

‘Offers something that other brands do not’ - ’94 points’

‘Brand I Prefer’ - ’96 points’.

Sales - $66 million. That’s enough detergent to meet the laundry needs of Vietnam’s 90 million population for 3.5 months.

But what mattered most was millions of kids learned the true power of their simple act of compassion.

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