Cannes Lions



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Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating. Most individuals who experience SCA die, often within minutes.

SCA is a leading cause of death, killing more people than breast, lung, colon and prostate cancer combined. It is also the leading cause of death among young, active youth.

Thousands of people witness SCA every day, but few bystanders step in to help. This hesitancy is one reason nine out of 10 SCA victims don’t survive.

The HeartRescue Project, funded by the Medtronic Foundation, was created to improve how SCA is recognized and treated around the world. Education about SCA and training on how to respond to SCA incidents are the key components of the program’s mission.

Studies show the potential survival rates double when people have seen a short video on CPR. However, many of those bland training videos are outdated.

Working with the HeartRescue Project, we created a dramatic public service campaign to increase awareness of and traffic to an online learning experience that allows users to virtually learn how to save a life. Visitors to witness the chilling moments surrounding an SCA through a riveting/gripping?, choose-your-own adventure called the Save-A-Life Simulator. A public call to action delivered through a compelling celebrity endorsement drives Web traffic.

With international basketball sensation Ricky Rubio taking the lead, the multifaceted campaign has become a viral sensation and a lifesaver — training more than 5 million people to save a life.


Social media engagement

The simulator was designed to be shareable via Facebook, Twitter and Google+. The social media properties of Rubio, the NBA, including Rubio’s team, the Timberwolves, and the HeartRescue Project were used to engage with influential sports, entertainment, health and Spanish-language media.

Influencer outreach

Outreach to sports fans, many of whom are young athletes at risk of SCA, was conducted. Rubio urged these influencers through NBA in-game messaging to learn more about SCA by visiting the website. Students were exposed to the campaign via CPR school training sessions and SCA facts delivered by Rubio.

Media relations

A worldwide media relations campaign was used to spread the word about the simulator. Sports, entertainment, Spanish-language and high-profile media were provided with facts about SCA in young athletes, as well as media materials and PSAs featuring Rubio’s involvement at the site’s launch in February 2013, during Heart Health Month.


• More than 5.5 million have visited

• 70% of website visits are direct traffic.

• 5.5 million who interacted are twice as likely to save a life.

• In December 2012 a man used the proper response techniques that he learned from the online videos on a real life victim in March 2013, truly saving his life.

Output/Awareness (Website traffic drivers)

• Media outreach mentioning Rubio’s involvement in the program garnered 182 million earned media impressions, including high-profile placements in: USA Today, CBS Sports, NBC Sports, Yahoo! News , Telemundo, Hoy

• A series of PSAs were distributed, driving direct traffic to

o First PSA launched in April 2012: 14,285 confirmed telecasts on 151 TV stations reaching an estimated 277,688,195 viewers and obtaining an air time value of $1,385,635; PSA viewership is more than seven times above average PSA viewership levels.

o Second PSA launched in February 2013: results pending

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