Cannes Lions

Share the Wheel


Case Film
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Case Film
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Sweden is one of the most gender-equal countries in the world. Swedes share all from parental leave to household chores. However, only 2 of 10 couples share the driving. Statistics also show that

women cause fewer traffic accidents than men and, in a nationwide poll carried out in preparation for the campaign, only 10% of Swedes believed that men are better drivers than women.

The insights-based idea was to encourage more women to drive by educating Swedish men and women on the road safety benefits of gender equality in the car. A public awareness campaign designed to encourage Swedes to “Share the Wheel” was developed together with the National Road Safety Association, NTF.


The campaign was implemented between September-December 2016 to coincide with events like back-to-school as news hooks for tier one news media.

Digital campaign toolkit was developed for partners and influencers to share: facts, humorous film, Facebook and Instagram ads and Facebook game.

Wave 1: Earned - Tier one news media outreach

1. National/local attitude research

2. Gender equality coalition for road safety

3. Online poll by Sweden’s biggest newspaper

Wave 2: Organic – Influencers

1. Key influencers own social media

2. Video by Swedish Minister of Infrastructure

3. Dealership own events and campaigns (Women’s nights)

Wave 4 – Organic Facebook Gamification

5. Facebook Game where people could “share the wheel” to win a road trip on route 66 promoted organically

Wave 5 – Earned – Tier one media

6. Op-ed in Sweden’s biggest newspaper on Christmas Day encouraging Swedes to “Share the Wheel”

7. Online poll by Sweden’s biggest newspaper


Tier 1: Media outputs

All but one tier 1 Swedish dailies wrote about the campaign with Sweden’s largest newspaper Aftonbladet, publishing an op-ed co-signed by Ford and two of its own polls surveying attitudes to sharing the wheel.

Tier 2: Target audience outcomes

The Swedish Minister of Infrastructure endorsed Ford’s campaign with a video encouraging Swedes to “Share the Wheel” which helped change perceptions amongst the target audience. A follow-up independent third-party nation-wide opinion poll showed the campaign resulted in a 65% shift in public opinion with twice as many Swedes today feeling it is “very important” to share the driving equally.

Tier 3: Business outcomes

Six months after campaign start, twice as many women said they would consider buying a Ford according to independent third-party research commissioned by Ford. The same research showed that spontaneous brand awareness amongst women increased by 3% from 16% to 19%.

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