Cannes Lions

Show Courage


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Where is the place where customers purchase the guilt of plastic use the most and in bulk? The answer is large discount stores!

We should find the way to increase environmental awareness and reduce the distribution of plastic in such stores.


We are all customers of large discount stores. Our environmental awareness is being raised and we have lots of plastic containers at home. If we bring these when we go to such as stores and we tell the sales clerks to put the products such as side dishes, fruits, detergents, or grains in these containers, they will be embarrassed and pay attention to environmental issues.

We concluded to call this project “Yong-Ki-Nae” in Korean. “Yong-Ki” in Korean has a double meaning, ‘Container & Courage’ and “Yong-Ki-Nae” in Korean means “Show your courage.” Therefore, the title of this campaign “Show Courage” has two meanings -- “Show Your Plastic Container (at mart)” and “Show your Courage (at mart).”

Also, we decided to use the influencer’s social media account as ‘media.’ It made it look like ‘an individual influencer’s natural suggestion,’ not ‘an organized promotion of an environmental organization’.


Such large discount stores do not budge no matter how environmental organizations press and push. What they fear the most is ‘consumers’ – actually, ‘sales’!

Using this insight, we decided to throw an attractive ‘bait’ that could make them want to participate willingly.


We thought if we found out an appropriate ‘influencer’ who could kindle some passion about this issue, he or she be able to generate success in a short time. And actor Ryu Jun-ye stoked us. He was the most famous among the ambassadors for Greenpeace and he worked actively.

Also, we could use his social media!

The “Show Courage” challenge started with Actor Ryu’s social media feed with #ShowCourage hashtag (in Korean). He uploaded some feeds and consumers began to participate in this challenge.


A lot of people, including the President took part in the challenge.

As a result, Lotte Mart will commit to reducing plastic use in its stores by 50% by 2025, a first for a large retailer in Asia. Also, Korea No.1 major supermarket E-Mart set up a detergent refill station to participate in the Show Courage challenge.

Greenpeace supporter increased by 11 times and campaign page visitors increased by 13.5 times. And over 3,000 articles and 13,000 Show Courage hashtag posts spread.

Currently, in the side dish corner in every Korean Lotte Mart (category’s 2nd highest sales in Korea), customers get a discount if they purchase a side dish and take it in a container they brought. Customers are showing a good response to this change.

Various communities such as local environment organizations, environment magazines, and the movie world are participating.

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